Monday, March 29, 2010

New Spring/Summertime ETSY Items!

ETSY! (click on the image to view the listing)

50s Geometric Drawstring Dress

60s Sea Foam Reversible Rain Slicker

70s Daisy Ruffled Dress

80s Bejeweled Cropped Tee

90s Bingo Dauber Dot Dress

70s Floral Button Down Dress

60s Metal Chain Link Purse with Lucite Handles

50s White Beaded Summertime Handbag

70s Softly Sophisticated Suede Clutch/Purse

Friday, March 12, 2010

Telephone (Lady Gaga/Beyoncé)

Unbelievable. I wish I could say I designed this.

Teddy Bear Man

I have no idea where I found this image. It's been on my computer for a very long time. I think on FFFFOUND! at some point. I do know that I LOVE it and I open it every time I'm rummaging around in my "Inspiration" folder. I think it's the fact that the bears are attached to a plain white tee, and the guy looks oh-so-confident wearing them. I happen to love 3-D objects on clothing, especially MoNStErs! Take a look at the "bad sweater" I made this December from a kids dragon costume, scarf, and fabric scraps. I later wore it for a Lady Gaga costume.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Craftsman of the Month: Marañón

Every week, Etsy has a featured seller, which they write an article about and feature them on the front page. Last week, I was introduced to Marañón. She has every right to be featured. She is insanely creative, outrageously gorgeous, and just downright magical in her artistic ways. Reading her down-to-earth interview and getting to know her completely inspired me to use to my hands more and make some art. Not to mention, make me totally envious of her heavenly fro. Be sure to check out her Etsy shop and photo blog on Flickr!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Boho Traveler: Paolo Roversi

Coming across this editorial titled SPENT! by Paolo Roversi made me go completely bonkers for this fashion photographer and therefore scoping out his entire body of work. Go here for much more of his photography and editorials to inspire!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Noelle's Craft Party #1

My good friend, Noelle, threw a wonderfully quaint little craft party last night, in which motivated me to work on my new Etsy shop (name still undecided, btw, I could use help with that...). Her and her roommate Liz just moved into an adorable white-walled apartment complete with ceramic tiled fireplace, only ONE block away from me! Hurrah! Craft nights every Thursday, we decided.

Crafts + Noelle's Delicious Rasberry/Pear Cobbler....mmmm

Noelle's Dead Animal Project----In Progress

Beautiful Ellen as the Tooth Fairy

Lady Gaga & The Tooth Fairy

A pin from my new Etsy Shop-----Coming Soon!

A pair of bows to be either barrettes or pins from my new Etsy Shop----Coming soon!

Beautiful Noelle

An Amazing Woven Portrait by Noelle Sharp

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Modeling for Self Done Photography Can Be Quite Tricky

I was dead set on getting a lot of interesting photos taken today for ETSY. I had pretty bad lighting during the last photo shoot and I also really want to jazz them up a bit. However, the one below was the only one I liked. I've found trying to use a remote controller while modeling, posing, and creating an interesting composition is pretty darn difficult.

Good news is that my man-slave, Scott, is now helping me by being my photographer once a week! The trade off is that I cook him lunch. Good thing all he eats is pizza and hot pockets!

Red & White Tennis Dress, $22
Found: HERE

Judy Garland Really Liked Her Crafts

So, as anyone who knows me knows, pretty much every square inch of my apartment is decorated. Lately, I've been resenting that fact, because I am newly super intrigued by garland. I feel the need to hang it from the ceiling, drape it along a bare wall, or edge the bottom of the dining room table with the strung shapes of color and texture. Hmm, even though it might be a bit much in my place....a gift of handmade garland to match a friend's that ain't a bad idea.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Michel Gondry Video

Mia Doi Todd- "Open Your Heart"

Thanks to my bestie/art guru, Jen (a.k.a Paisley Face), this somewhat new Michel Gondry video was introduced to me. The costume designers Heidi Bivens and Melissa Lew brought the video to life with planned out color coordinated ensembles. This really shows the importance of my job and how influential it is to the medium. Come on Chicago, bring me some work!

First Order of Business...


I have to figure out how to post photos with something.

super cute kitten @ grandma marie vintage
super cute kitten @ grandma marie vintage
super cute kitten @ grandma marie vintage

Why, Hey!

It is time to STEP UP and be creative! Yes, that's right. I have felt a surge of motivation. FINALLY! Let's just hope it lasts.

I realize I may be the last artistic person (a.k.a. person with an etsy shop) to start a blog. I am usually close to last to hop on the wagon when it comes to internet-such ventures. Alas, I bring you...or attempt to bring you, a nicely put together blog. Yay!